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Erroll Garner - Maison de la Radio

Erroll Garner - Maison de la Radio

48 minkoncert1973
Stingray DJAZZ wtorek, 7 maja 14:03
Maison de la Radio, Paris, France. This broadcast features American jazz pianist and composer Erroll Garner in concert at Maison de la Radio in Paris, 1973. Garner came from a musical family and started playing the piano at the age of three. The pianistâs live album Concert by the Sea, recorded in 1955, is one of the best-selling jazz albums of all time. Accompanied by Ernest McCarty on double bass, Jimmie Smith on drums, and JosĂŠ Mangual on percussion, Garner amazes his Paris audience with many of his signature songs, including his composition âMistyâ, which became a jazz standard over time and was performed by numerous greats, such as Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, and Aretha Franklin.
  • Erroll Garner
  • Ernest McCarty
  • Jimmie Smith & JosĂŠ Mangual
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 1973
Czas trwania
  • 48 min